Aggravated Assault Criminal Defense Attorney in Miami Dade

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16th Jul 2015

If you have been arrested for any crime, the best thing to do is to contact a criminal defense attorney in Miami Dade Florida as soon as possible, regardless of the severity of the offense. However, if you have been … more

What’s the difference between a traffic citation versus a criminal traffic allegation in Florida?

By : | Category : Traffic | Comments Off on What’s the difference between a traffic citation versus a criminal traffic allegation in Florida?

14th Jul 2015

Under Florida law, there is a huge difference between simple traffic infraction and criminal traffic allegations. A traffic infraction is simply a civil matter where there is no exposure to a loss of freedom. A finding of guilt may result … more

Difference between withhold of adjudication and an adjudication in the State of Florida

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12th Jul 2015

These two terms are commonly used among Florida legal professionals that the clients, in a Miami-Dade County or Broward County court system, may not necessarily understand. A “withhold of adjudication” means that the person that pleaded guilty but was not convicted….they were … more

What is a “calendar call” or “judicial sounding” in Miami-Dade County or Broward County?

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7th Jul 2015

People unfamiliar with the Miami-Dade County or Broward County criminal court system may get court notices or are instructed to appear in court for their “calendar call” also known as a “judicial sounding” and they often ask ‘ What is … more

Why have I been targeted by Federal Prosecutors? Why is this a Federal Case?

By : | Category : General | Comments Off on Why have I been targeted by Federal Prosecutors? Why is this a Federal Case?

6th Jul 2015

Recent news stories have clearly illustrated that in addition to local and State (like Miami-Dade County or Broward County) prosecutors who prosecute violations of Florida State laws and local ordinances, there is also a branch of the United States Justice … more

Suspended Driver’s License in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale: What do you do?

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Has your driver’s license been suspended? If so, then you absolutely cannot drive until your driving privilege has been reinstated. While not being able to drive may be a huge inconvenience, it is not worth the risk of getting caught. … more

Reckless Driving vs. careless driving what’s the Difference?

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3rd Jul 2015

While people frequently use the terms “reckless driving” and “careless driving” interchangeably, there is actually a huge difference between these two offenses in Florida. Careless driving is merely a civil traffic infraction as defined by Florida Statute §316.1925 specifying, “Any … more

Charged with Domestic Violence?

By : | Category : Domestic Violence | Comments Off on Charged with Domestic Violence?

When most people think of domestic violence, they think of some sort of physical confrontation between husband and wife or romantic partners. While this is true, keep in mind that the definition of “domestic violence” in the State of Florida … more

Leaving the Scene of Accident (LSA)

By : | Category : Car Accident | Comments Off on Leaving the Scene of Accident (LSA)

1st Jul 2015

LSA with injury & LSA with Property Damage Whenever a car accident occurs in the Miami/ Fort Lauderdale area, Florida law requires all of those who are involved to follow a particular order of procedures. Upon a car accident happening, … more

An unfair irony in Florida Expungement law

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Normally, the remedy of expunction, where a record of an arrest is erased, is applicable to first time arrestee that receives a favorable disposition on their cases. This means that if a person had their case dismissed or dropped, there … more